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Take Your Time. You can solve any problems if you only take the time.



Why do they say that Earth is between Haven and Hell? Because one day is haven, another day is hell. Just keep in mind that if you are in hell, haven is next.

Have the courage to be what you really want to be.

The winning combination for a happy life is being eager to learn and pass it on to the whole humanity.


   One man's lesson is another man's treasure.


Be committed to what you do; feel control in your life; and see the changes as a challenge rather than difficulties.



  Anima011.gif (3583 bytes) Daily Word of Wisdom
Life Coach Program
Complete Happiness in all areas of life

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NEW >>>> check into: Dust If You Must

>>>> check into: My Daughter

 Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not;  Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; The world is full of educated derelicts.         
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

                           -  Calvin Coolidge

Experience is not what happens to you.
It is what you do with
what happens to you

Aldous Huxley

You become what you think, dream, and believe.

life is full of changes, accept the change and keep in mind that life without change or challenge can become boring.

Hard work is simply the accumulation of easy things you didn't do when you should have.

Avoid negative people.

Give love without demanding to get something back.

Keep the child within you always alive and wondering.

Beware of taking yourself too seriously. Add an spice of humor to your life.

Spiritual growth is the evolution of an individual.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

Let crying take your toxic substances away.

It is time to discuss your feelings, call for help is the best remedy.

Keep your cool, anger will only lead you to physical sickness.

Look at the patterns of your life-and learn.

If you see anger, you have been angry. If you see peace you have found peace. The world is a mirror that reflects you.

No fear. Use the magic; "I can handle it".

Avoid anxiety, cut down sugar and caffeine from your diet.

Feel lonely? Discover yourself.

Do you want to fell better about yourself? Give your affection to others.

Caring: antidote to loneliness. 

A good warrior never turn his back on the battlefield.

Dare to reach your highest dream without any limitation. Any limitation of your negative past, busy present, or unknown future.

Appreciate the value of the gift when it is given to you.

We feel the way we think. Turn your thoughts and difficulties into positive consciousness.

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If you are in a battlefield. Remember you always have a friend here. You can talk to me anytime you want. Ask anything; AskJenna

What is your contract with the divine? We all have a purpose in life that we need to complete. Do you know whether you are in a right track or not? Share your stories M054lkks.gif (950 bytes)

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My wish for you
May peace and tranquility abundantly flow throughout your life

Seek and you receive.

Smile, the world will smile back at you.

Luck happens when opportunity meets preparation.

Luck is available to everyone, you just need to seek it.

Don't let your success get into your head. Don't let your failure get into your heart.


The natural high therapy is to be able to laugh at ourselves


There is no such thing as a problem without a gift.


When you are at peace with your spirit, then your dreams will come true.


Turn hostility toward others into laughter.